Monday, May 30, 2011


What does it take to be inspired? It is different for everybody, and the concept comes with the question of "inspired to do what?" sing, pray, work, create, play...

Are there things we come in contact with that can inspire us to want to do all of those things and much more? I find that the beauty created by nature always inspires me in every way possible. It makes me want to create beautiful things, be a better person both physically and spiritually, and take time to enjoy the smallest moments.
This small breathtaking moment was snapped on my trip to New York last year, the images from this trip have kept my heart afloat during the rough times that I have had in the last year, and have provided much inspiration to create. I have been a little afraid to scrap them thinking it would take some of the magic out of them, But it hasn't, so it is time that I share this inspiration with others, maybe it will do the same thing for you.
(and on that gorgeous Hambly overlay, the image makes me feel even more inspired!)


1 comment:

start a scrapbooking business said...

I find my greatest inspiration in my family.