This challenge is one that came from me. I love to play with my paper, maybe that much is apparent by now, LOL! So this challenge came from my penchant to put pleats into my paper and use it as an embellishment on my page somehow. I have had a few projects published with this technique too, and I hope that it gains in popularity! It is a terrific way to get texture, to create matching "ribbon" like elements that match your other papers without the expense of real ribbon and just plain old cool looking!
Go check it out and play if you have some time!
In other not so interesting news, we are having a very typical fall Monday with no drama and a storm front moving in. Usually that gets me excited for the coming winter, but my knee has been extra grumpy the last few months, so it means that I either need to go to the gym or the orthopede. Gym seems like the better place to start, LOL! Couldn't be too much tennis that is getting the darn thing so worked up, could it? ;)
I gave up my running because of the impact, but couldn't give up the tennis. Got to stay sane somehow! (what else can you hit hard that comes back for more?)
Speaking of hitting hard, I got pounded in the kidney this morning...
Really glad that I got my back to it before it got me in gut, that would have hurt even more! There will be one nice big bruise there for the next week! :0) Badge of honor! (or stupidity, not sure which yet)
So snow will be flying here tomorrow, very exciting! Voting will be interesting, have to get out and get it done early. Carpool in the afternoon will be even more so, the first few storms are hard because people forget how to deal.
Just a little over a week until I head to Canda too! Got to start getting ready for my good times there! Woot!
And then Thanksgiving is here!
Getting a little ahead of myself here, just need to take it one day at a time...