Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Running With Scissors

So that was my nickname when I was a working ski instructor. There is a reason for that of course, it is because I am always heading for trouble full speed ahead! Well this weekend will be no exception, I am running (with scissors) away from home for a long scrappy weekend.
I need this, and even though the timing is really tough and we are pretty poor right now, I was encouraged to go by my adoring and encouraging husband.
He can see it in my eyes that I am tired and just need some girl time.
The rules are no cell phones, no internet and no kids or husbands.
My kind of rules right now.
So my arrangements are made, my bags are packed, and my mind is ready.
I will miss things at home, but I know that they will still be here when I get back, so I am making a conscience effort to not stress about any of it.
There is a crazy amount of scrappy stuff in my bag, stamps, ink, paper, glue, chipboard, alphas, rub-ons, gems, flowers, ribbon and transparencies! I am sure that I won't even make a dent in it, but I am going to have fun trying!
So hi-ho, hi-ho it is off to scrap I go!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sharing the love

A world full of friends!
That is one of the greatest gifts that scrapbooking has given me.
I have loads of local pals, I play tennis with them, shop with them and even ski and go hiking with them. But the gift of acceptance and friendship that I get from people "like" me from the world of scrapbooking is so wonderful!
So I made a little memento for myself. I spent the entire day on May 5th on my butt at the computer enjoying the company of all of these wonderful friends, laughing and being silly. I loved every minute of it, and even when my eyes were watery and bleary and my rear end had fallen asleep, I still had the hardest time tearing myself away.
So thanks to all of you my friends for loving and supporting me and my obsessive love for this hobby!
Love you all!

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Christina, Claudine, and Karmie have this amazing friend, Bernie!
I got to meet her at the last CHA in Anaheim, and I am amazed and impressed by the work she does to help the abused and hopeless animals in our world.
She needs help, big help, little help, even positive thoughts!
She is a saint, and has the biggest heart, so if you can help pass the word it makes a difference!

Friday, May 25, 2007


So I was tagged by Rachelle from the StudioWERX Street Team.
I am so not good at these, so go with me on this!

The rules:
Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves.
People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things,as well as these rules.
At the end of your blog,you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names.
Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1. Love shoes! The more the merrier, and I hate to get rid of them, it makes me sad!

2. I love gardening, having dirt under my nails and finding the perfect little plant for a corner makes me so happy!

3. I am a nervous face toucher/picker. When I am seriously stressed out, I find myself picking, grosses me out, I wish I didn't!

4. I (according to my husband, LOL) would rather do anything than laundry! He might be right...

5. I am a nag. Just to my family, but apparently this is enough to make it official!

6. I tivo Days of Our Lives every day. I don't necessarily watch it, but I have it just in case!

7. I love great books, but don't have enough time to read. I could make more time but don't want to give up anything else in my life right now to do it. (I hate tough choices)

Random enough?
Interesting, not really. Sad but true stuff!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Manila Hybrid Inspiration Folder

So the First challenge of the StudioWERX Street Team is to use a regular old manila filing folder and some hybrid products and create something!
This was such a cool project, I downloaded a few of the Lazar digiWERX papers, some of the brushes and got to printing! The digi papers were printed onto Making Memories ledger paper for a little extra interest and dimension.
I printed the brushes on a transparency, and then painted them on the back. The paint acts as an adhesive to hold the transparency to the folder! Some ribbons, Heidi Swapp and Queen & Co. flowers and a couple of Making Memories bling brads make a little eye candy!
I used a glaze pen in black to do the journaling on the transparency, love that look, so textured and slick! The number 2 is a foam thicker by American Craft and the Scroll is from Maya Road!

I hope this inspires you, and if you end up making something, post a link,
I would love to see!
Today is one of those funny ones for carpooling, My Carter-Sauce has an early day because he alone has no school tomorrow. So I picked him up at 1:15, then I go back and get Laurel from the High School at 2:10 and then Chloe from the Junior high at 3:00. These schools are all about 5 miles from my house, so there is no way to just kind of go and wait around, there is just enough time between to be annoying, but not enough to go and actually get anything done.
I love visiting with them after school, so I wouldn't miss this part, especially at the end of the school year with all of the excitement!
Going to go put some miles on my rearend!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Not So Much

I was told by a cute friend that I don't update enough!
Seriously, I do what I can!
My flight home yesterday was uneventful, love those kind!
I have a funny airport story to share:
I was sitting there, bloggin my own business and this scraggly older-ish man comes over and completely invades my personal space. I have issues with this in a big way btw! Anyway, I was giving all the right signals for not interested in any type of human interaction, so this completely caught me off guard, and it was so early I just didn't have the presence of mind to tell him to shove off!
So he starts talking about what a great computer genius he is (of course he so doesn't get that he could be the pres. of the US and I wouldn't care) and wants to drive my computer to show me some cool new gizmo/site called FRING. Again, they could be giving a way free Maserati, I don't care. So when I am still not interacting with me he starts in on Skype and how amazing it is ( I do agree, just not out loud, didn't want to encourage him) well after I keep blogging and ignoring he finally steps aside, whew!
Well to my amazement, not for long! Comes back holding a 5 page printout he wants me to read about Skype, the equipment for Skype, the hype for Skype, etc.
what else can a person do?
I finish up my post, pack my bag and throw the rest of my bagel away. Yeah, he made me lose my appetite, LOL! So when I am waiting for my zone to board, he comes and stands next to me and starts chatting yet again. At this point I am ready to start laughing! I must have dork magnet tattooed on my forehead!
I seriously could not find my seat fast enough to hide from him in and thank goodness he didn't happen to be sitting in the vicinity, I might have died!
To top all of that off, I really needed to pee! But I was so distracted and annoyed by him, that it totally didn't become an issue until I sat on the plane! Hate plane potties, so I had to hold it for the whole flight!
Such an eventful morning, that I was so grateful to go home and have some quiet and that is saying a lot coming from a home with so much going on!
Anyone have any thoughts on how to handle situations like these?
I thought I was reasonably adept at most social situations, but this one did give me a loop!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Road Bloggin

Blogging from the great city of Denver!
I am at the airport, I have a warm Einstein's blueberry bagel in my hand (they just pulled it out of the oven!) and my flight is delayed for a few minutes, so I am catching up a little.
This weekend was so COOOOOL!
Mary Kay has a great store, the grand opening was wonderful and I got to finally meet a bunch of my "imaginary frineds"!
Rachel Carlson put me up and her wonderful husband Rich put up with me!
They were fabulous hosts and I just can't thank her enough! She even got up at four this morning to get me to the airport, LOVE her!
Thanks so much Rach!
I finally got to meet a bunch of peas girls too, Heather, Vivian, Janelle, Kelly, Christyn, Roxane, Barb, and a bunch of others I am sure I am forgetting (sorry!).
The make-n-takes that Mary Kay had organized were amazing too! The guests had choices and play time and shopping with great snacks, so FUN!
I seriously need a vacation from my vacation, LOL!
I am glad to be getting home, I missed my family tons. But this weekend, I seriously had such a great time, and I am completely exhausted from all of the fun!
Gotta go, plane is finally boarding...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Last night was the deadline for the Lazar StudioWERX design team submissions.
We received beautiful, creative, thoughtful entries.
It will be very tough to choose, but that is a good problem.

The layout of Chloe was made with Lazar digi paper that was recolored, and Lazar buttons and flower. It is a lift of the amazing Marie Cox who has stepped down as a garden girl at Two Peas.

So it has been a typical Becky week, I overplayed tennis yesterday.

Two hours in the morning and Two and a half in the evening. I was a little tired, so when I finally flopped into bed, I think I slept so hard that I strained my whole right side of my neck and back.

To top it off, because I am a rocket surgeon I went and played for another hour and a half this morning.

I played, and it was ugly. The most hilarious part of it is that the friends that I was playing with thought that because I was damaged goods they could just steam roll my partner and I. They over hit the ball all day, and we ended up splitting sets. I learned a life lesson and a tennis lesson from that. The life lesson was never make assumptions, ever. The tennis lesson was, make them play another ball.
Anyway, off to go make some tough choices.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


I was out Blog cruising, and on Angel's blog I saw her answers and thought it would be fun to answer as well!
You try, and then link me to your answers!

The rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following...They MUST be real places, names, things...NOTHING made up!

Your Name: Becky

Famous Singer: Beyonce'
4-letter word: Boot
Street: Broadway
Color: Brown
Gifts/Presents: Books
Vehicle: BMW
Things In Souvenir Shop: Bookmarks
Boy Name: Brian
Girl Name: Barbara
Movie Title: Babel
Drink: Blueberry Cranberry juice
Occupation: Book proofreader (see a theme here, I like to read, LOL!)
Flower: Bouganvillea
Celebrity: Brad Pitt
Magazine: BHG
US City: Boston
Pro Sports Team: Blazers, the nick name for the Trailblazers (I grew up in Oregon as a kid and watched them in their prime!)
Fruit: Blackberries, again an Oregon thing
Reason For Being Late For Work: Breakfast Burned!
Something You Throw Away: Broken Bulbs
Things You Shout: Burn baby, BURN!
Cartoon Character: Bullwinkle!


Friday, May 11, 2007

Big Plans!

I am going to Denver next week!
My amazing, delightfully opinionated, wonderful friend...
Mary Kay Seckinger is having the grand opening party for her new adventure in scrapbooking!
She has gone off the deep-end in collecting the latest and greatest and has opened up a shop called Scrapbook Destinations!
Rumor has it that it is the place in the Metro Denver area to see fab scrapping product and maybe even take home some of the fabulousness for yourself!
I will be doing some very cool Make-n-Takes and so will some other very talented people!
This is going to be tons of fun so if you live in the area or know someone who does, stop in and introduce yourself and if you don't mind, give me hug too!
I have been through Denver a number of times for flight connections, but have never had a chance to visit, so this is a BIG deal to me!
An entire weekend of scrappiness with friends, what could be better?

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Mother's Day is on the way

Yeah, Mother's Day is just around the corner!
I have accomplished a lot of cool things in my puny life, but the accomplishments I am most proud of are the wonderful children that I have!
Each pregnancy a trial, each child a miracle in and of themselves.
So this week is very special to me, it helps me remember the people who made me who I am.
The ones who call me "mother", the ones who love me unconditionally with all their hearts. I am blessed beyond measure and I am grateful to have this day to remember what it means to me to be called "mother"!


This is the layout that was used as part of the users's gallery highlight yesterday at Two peas.
I love this layout, it is so Laurel!
The journaling reads:
This is the happiest place on earth. The sun is always shining and the birds are always singing! Your mind is a beautiful place, and you are never worried about what anyone else thinks about how you do things. Your dad and I always say when things get tough, "I wish I were in lolo-land!"
I was selected by the amazing Jen Lessinger!
Jen is someone who's work I am very inpsired by, and so this was quite a large compliment to me!
I used Claudine Hellmuths Poppet paper and flower stamps, Daisy D's is the paper that the flower was stamped on. Making Memories velvet brads, the sequins, felt bird, Luxe design rub-on and german scrap butterfly are all from the April Jenni Bowlin kit. I hand stitched on American Craft felt letters for the title.
The best part of this project was when Laurel came into the room when I was almost finished and said "I would like to live in a place like that!"
That told me I had told the story the way it should be told and it meant everything to me!
We all keep memories in some way or another, I just want the ones that I keep to be seen and remembered by others years from now.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Layout of the Week!

This fun little layout of Chloe is the layout of the week over at Scrapologie!

Ranjini has a great website, a wonderful DT and the gallery is always full of cool things to look at!
National Scrapbook Day (or NSD if you are hyper scrapper like some of us, LOL!) is May 5th or TOMORROW! YAY, love that there is a day about celebrating the importance of memory keeping!
Tomorrow I (and a bunch of other life artists!) have a fun thing happening at Two Peas in a Bucket that has to do with this whole NSD thing. So head over there and see what is up if you get a chance!

Also, go to Creating Inspirations tomorrow, a fun sale, inspiration throughout the day and fun people on the message board!
Today the weather is off, stormy and cool. I need some sun right about now, so this has me stuck inside kinda whining! I really need to get off my rump and get some exercise but (punny?!!) I just don't feel like it!
Oh well!
I hope all of you are able to find some way to keep yourselves occupied for the day making and keeping memories!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

It is May First!

Totally crazy!
25% of the year has already passed!

Today is also the day the design team at Creating Inspirations uploads all of the new designs for this months kit!
The kit has a ton of Karen Russell Creative Imagination product, and Jenni Bowlin papers and journaling cards as well! Very elegant and fun!
I love this team, they are all very talented, and Beth is such a fun person to work with!
Sonda administrates the site, and she ROCKS!
So this fun group has a great thing going on for National Scrapbook Day (May 5th, Saturday!), a sale!!!
I also have a fun little thing going on at Two Peas that I can't spill about, but has me very excited! So I will be spending some time there on NSD as well!

So make sure you have some paper and glue to play with this week, because there are lots of great places to keep you inspired!