{Me with my Grandfather and Aunt Robyn this week when we celebrated his 92nd and my 44th}
Yeah, I know I shouldn't be shouting it from the rooftops. But it is all good, being 44 has its advantages. There are a lot of things that just don't make my priority list because I know better. I am okay with my stretch marks because wearing a bikini isn't as important as enjoying time with my delightful kids. I am comfortable in my life and what you see with me is what you get. Being authentic is more important to me than how people perceive me. I won't lie, steal or cheat to get ahead. Yes their are wrinkles on my face, but in all the right places; worry lines in my forehead because I have children I want the best for, crows feet on my eyes from genuine smiles and a few starting around my mouth from deep grins. My feet are trashed and not pedicure worthy from years in ski boots, tennis shoes and even running a few marathons. Wouldn't trade pretty feet for all of those amazing experiences. I have been married to the same man for 23 years, he drives me crazy so I return the favor. He gets me and I get him. We aren't perfect, never will be nor do we want to be, perfect would be to boring for us. I am not super tidy but still functionally organized, not going to worry too much if my house is presentable because I know it isn't. But that doesn't matter, I want to have people around me who accept me for all of my warts, and I have plenty of them. The good news is that if you do that for me, I am there for you through thick and thin and loyal to the end. To arrive at this point relatively intact has been a really humbling process. I will be the first to admit when I am wrong and will do everything in my power to make something right when I have made mistakes. I haven't always been like this, but I really like who I am right now and hope to continue on the journey of becoming a better person everyday. Milestones like these are good to stop at for a minute and assess where you are and how you got there. So thanks for letting me do that today, and if you are looking for something more interesting to read, head over to the sweet Rachel Carlson's blog, she had a few guest bloggers this week, and while I was one of them, the others are far more interesting.
Anyway, off to finish the first day of 44 ;o)
~It needs to be said~
12 years ago