Is that a word? Even if not, it still would describe me!
I made travel arrangements to go to Chicago alone.
I love adventure, and so when the opportunity came to go, I just bought my plane tickets. Well, I spent the day trying to find out exactly where I am going!
The flight is into O'Hare airport. The Hotel is a Westin, there are only three in Chicago. The convention is at the Donald E Stevens center in Rosemont. I think I have it covered! I'll just bring my running shoes and be good to go! I think the downside of this convention center is that it isn't in downtown Chicago. I was really looking forward to seeing this area, and will probably have to take a train to get there. Easier to rent a car, maybe. I will seriously be missing Rox on this deal, she and I rarely are apart when it comes to stuff like this, but she used her fun money to go on a "family" vacation. I will still take the kids to Oregon later this summer, but this was just too much cool to pass up!
All the girls who are going to be sharing the hotel room have decided to do some fun swaps with each other, and some little giftie things. I love this!
So my count down has started! Only Ten days!
The girls will be gons all week for girls camp, so that will make the house a little quieter than usual also, and with Wimbledon done, I will have plenty of time to make happy messes in my {S}crap room too!
I do have to try to catch up with the Tour tho, in the past I had followed it closely, but this year has been a thin watch for me, I only know a handful of the riders that are left. I really wanted to see George Hincapie have a breakthrough for his many years of hard work, but he is 17th right now, not good! Dave Zabriskie is a local guy, but the news in Utah suffers from a state of smallmindedness, so we never hear how is doing. I think he is in 9th.
Anyway, Lots of tennis to play this week, and lots of scrapping to do!
~It needs to be said~
12 years ago
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