It makes me very sad just to type that, but it is time to let it go and move forward into the next chapter of my journey.
A little over a month ago my phone was having a nervous breakdown so I started cleaning out files on it. Well that was a bad idea. Never clean files from any electronic thing when you are in a panic. Ever.
I accidentally deleted over three years of images from this blog. The images weren't backed up either.
So all of my tutorials, blog hops, favorite projects and design team contributions from that time frame are gone.
I was so mad at myself.
Now, I see that it was the nudge that I needed to let go of a sad and challenging time in my life. To move forward and share about the healthy and happy person that I am working on becoming in a different place.
I have started a new blog for this different phase.
So Bexcellent
There will still be crafty sharing happening, but I will also be sharing recipes, motivational and inspiring thoughts and stories, beautiful pictures from adventures, personal experiences, home decor faux pas and lessons learned from life experiences. I hope a few of you will come and join me there.
And if I could share a simple nugget of wisdom at the sunset of this blog...
Don't look behind you, that isn't where your dreams live.