It has been a little over a week since my last post, and I want to thank everyone who came by to see my little "reject" card and for all of the really nice comments, so thoughtful and kind!!
Here it is with the small change of going from a baby card to a welcome home card. Nothing earth shattering, just a sentiment change and a design line around the card base.
My family and I spent the last week anticipating and preparing for my oldest son to arrive home after being in Brazil for two years serving an LDS mission. His flight was scheduled to arrive at 3:55 p.m. on Thursday afternoon and we eagerly awaited him at the airport, constantly checking the arrival board to see the change from "on-time" to "arriving".
My status at facebook was:
"At the airport waiting....
Big stomach butterflies from anticipation!!!!
If I get any more anxious that stomach might fall right out of my butt!!"
There were some very funny and appropriate replies, but the one that made me giggle and seemed the most realistic was from Leslie Ashe. She said "or if butterflies are following you, we know why ;D happy waiting!"
Thank goodness (or there might have been butterflies following me around!), Tyler's flight ended up arriving a few minutes early, at about 3:47 (give or take a minute, lol!) I spotted him and snapped a few pics as he made his way out of the secure terminal area and spotted me spotting him :o)
As soon as he saw all of us, he started walking a little faster, trying not to be rude or to break into a run. But he was dodging other travelers like he was in an obstacle course, and then bee-lined right into my arms and we hugged for a few long sweet, happy, sobbing mommy moments before I remembered I needed to share him with the rest of the family <3
Another missionary mom whose son was not on this flight but one soon after was so sweet and grabbed a family shot for us, thanks to her for letting me be in the picture!!
The rest of our afternoon was spent doting on Tyler and his every whim :o)
It was awesome!! We had pizza from his favorite pizzeria (The Pie!), we got our 7-11 trip in so he could have a big Dr. Pepper and we put in Iron Man 2 and sat back and enjoyed watching it with the sound so loud you could feel the furniture shaking, good times!
Welcome home Tyler!! I am so proud of you for serving with a loving and generous spirit, and thrilled to have you home where I can enjoy your wit, charm and enthusiasm for life!
I love you!
~It needs to be said~
12 years ago
He looks fabulous!!! What a wonderful family picture!
I'm so happy for you Becky! He looks like such a sweetie, actually all your kids are adorable. And I know about the sobbing Mommy moments. When my son used to live in Arizona, every time he come home and went back I would sob my heart out and hold on to him. So I completely understand your emotions. Now go have fun with your family!
Elaine Allen
Tears in my eyes Beck! So happy for you all!
So wonderful my friend.....what awesome pictures! I got goose bumps all over! You have a lovely family and it truly is amazing what he & your family has accomplished! {hugs}
Welcome home, Tyler! Well done. I know the feelings, too, Becky. I have a son who served a mission in Chili and another who served in Haiti. Soon now the weddings and grandchildren will start to come!!! The happiness can truly overwhelm us!!
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