Thursday, May 27, 2010


Had a couple of fun posts go up in the CLASS room, one was a trend watch on ruffles and the other was using Maya Road's resist product.

Right now I am just trying to get caught up with the kids and the end of the school year events and happenings. This summer is going to be so much different for us, Laurel has a full-time job working at the Sports Mall as a day camp counselor, Chloe will be at the U of U all summer taking an eight credit university course with all of the corresponding homework and Tyler is enjoying the winter in Brazil. It will be Carter and I all day everyday and I am sure that he is going to get creative on finding ways to not be home too! Makes me kinda sad that our summers won't be about popsicles, trips to the pool and water gun fights any more.

I am of course very proud of all they are doing and while it does make me a little sad, they are my greatest source of joy!


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