Wednesday, May 07, 2008

What a week!

And it is only Wednesday!
Monday, our desktop computer went down hard, I think the crash might have been heard from miles around.
This derailed me quite effectively, and after saving as much information as we could onto the external drive, we had to scrub the whole system and start over. Ugly.
I had some very important documents lost, but not everything, and I feel lucky. It could have been much worse.
On a sweeter note, we accompanied Tyler to an awards banquet yesterday, it celebrated the achievements of the students throughout the year. The end of his High School career is just around the corner, and he is excited and I am melancholy! I am very proud of him, I am just not quite ready for him to be this grown up yet.
In a few weeks it is his Senior banquet and then a couple of weeks after that we will watch him walk, not as a toddler for the first time, but as an adult with many life achievements, and loads more to come after.
So we are doing a lot May activities, today we will get to see Carter's sixth grade band concert, very cool!

1 comment:

Brenda Hurd said...

ugh! My computer did that 2 weeks ago - its like starting from scratch - it totally sucks! Glad you were able to save some of it!