Okay, so here is a toungue twister...
Tyler is taking Taylor to the restaurant Tuscany to try to show her a good time.
Her brother is Tyler, her Stepdad is Tyler and now sweet Taylor is going with Tyler to the Prom.
The details:
Tyler's date told him on Wednesday that her parents weren't going to let her go to the prom.
That is all Tyler would tell me, that is all he knows. He was soo disppointed!
I was talking to Teresa about it, and she was so sad for him. So she suggested that maybe Taylor would be able to go with him if he still wanted to go. I talked to him, I talked to Teresa, she talked to Taylor, she called me back.
This went on all day yesterday, but when it was all said and done, the darling Taylor will be accompanying my sweet Tyler to his Junior Prom.
Yes, a blind prom date. And I can honestly say that there are few girls that I would trust my sweet son's heart with! Taylor is a ray of sunshine, and I know that they will have fun because she is such a fun young lady with great ideals!
So, yeah, I plan on taking a few pics, and Teresa is a bit of a shutterbug as well, LOL!
Both of these kids are so photogenic, that it will be fun to snap shots of them all dressed up!
Also today Laurel had her Keys to Success assembly at school!
I got to go and I took my camera and I knew that the batteries were low, so I took extra! I should have changed them before I got there though, as soon as she got up on the stage to have her turn to try her key, the flash sucked the batteries dry and I only got ONE picture, waaaahhh! It was so cute to see her up there holding the key and trying to turn the car on! A bit of a bummer that it wasn't her key, but soooooo proud of her and her efforts to improve in her academics! She might end up with a 4.0 this semester, and we are so pleased with her!
I think it has really helped her self esteem too, she really has grown up so much this year, and while it is exciting, I am kind of bummed to have it all going so fast!
Anyway, life is just one big adventure here!
~It needs to be said~
12 years ago
that double t prom date is going to be fabulous to scrap - i already see a layout coming on w/this story alone! cheers to laurel! you have such great kids - cheers to you! happy weekend, rach
Oh my....Tyler, Taylor, Teresa, Tuscany....too funny!! Hope they have a marvelous time and congrats on the 4.0. That's awesome!
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