Right now I am living the dream.
No, really. I am not trying to be coy or cute or gushy. It is just a straight up fact that I have literally everything I need in my life right now, and it is emotionally a very overpowering feeling.
No, my life isn't perfect either. That is not at all what I would even begin to imply, as a matter of fact it is the imperfections and challenges that have made me realize how what I have at this very moment is really all that I need. Of course there are a LOT of things that I WANT, I'm human and woman who loves good shoes. But that is beside my point. What I am so enraptured with right now is that we have a roof over heads that is cool when it is too hot outside, and warm when it is too cool. We have what we need to eat and enough money to keep our very well traveled gas guzzling car on the road to get us where we need to be. We have clothing to cover nakedness (and just speaking for myself, that is a great thing! No one needs a big dose of my nekkid!!) I have a belief system that comforts me when I lose someone I care about very much and most of all we have a home filled with all of the people that mean the very most to me. I won't be able to say that for much longer so it seemed appropriate to shout it from the rooftops tonight.
It is a feeling that overwhelms me and fills my heart up to the point that I think I might actually burst. As a matter of fact just thinking and typing about how much gratitude and joy I have in my heart, I am ready to cry and have big tears welling up in my tired eyes.
If I could make one wish for everyone in the whole world, tonight it would be that everyone could experience that same feeling of overwhelming love and joy in their lives.
~It needs to be said~
12 years ago
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