Thanks for the kind and thoughtful comments, you made me feel better when I was feeling very challenged!
The goodies are going to Heather, so please send me an email with your shipping information.
This card will also be coming to you Heather, I just made it for the CLASSroom and the details on how to make one like it can be found in this post: Embossed Metal Foil.
Here in Utah it is Pioneer Day, so we are celebrating by doing a whole lot of relaxing and maybe roasting some marshmallows for s'mores in the backyard fire-pit :o)
And while the last week was really challenging, and my camera will be on its way to the Canon facilities, my computers hard drive was replaced and I found all of my backed up files on my external hard drive. So I am breathing a big sigh of relief that my other hardware did what it was supposed to! We do so need our technology to make our lives easier, and so I am very grateful for the recovered images and data!
Here is to some happy crafting and lazy summer days!
~It needs to be said~
12 years ago
Yay, that's me! Thank you so much! An e-mail from me (quirkychick2005(at)yahoo(dot)com) will be coming your way in a few minutes.
Congratulations Heather, lucky girl! And Becky, I'm so glad that everything seems to be working out the right way. Sometimes it seems that as soon as one thing goes wrong, the rest of the things in your home want to follow - LOL!
Elaine Allen
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